Engine Oil Change Kit for Mahindra Roxor 2.5L 2018-2022
Engine Oil Change Kit for 2.5L
Engine Oil Change Kit 2.5L
Note: For 2.5L only
Kit Contains:
Mahindra Heavy Duty SAE 5W-40 CK-4 Full Synthetic Engine Oil x8 Quarts
Engine Oil Filter for Mahindra Roxor 2.5L 2018-2022 x1
Shell Rotella T6 SAE 5W40 CK-4 Full Synthetic Engine Oil x2 Gallons (8 Quarts)
Engine Oil Filter for Mahindra Roxor 2.5L 2018-2022 x1
Protect your Roxor with Heavy Duty Mahindra Diesel Engine Oil. Specially engineered for heavy duty diesel engines operating under all service conditions. They contain only high viscosity index lubricating oils and a unique blend of detergents,
dispersants, antioxidants, friction modifiers and viscosity improvers to provide superior performance and protection:
• Reduces friction to extend engine life and improve fuel economy
• Neutralizes and disperses combustion by-products to prevent harmful deposits
• Excellent low temperature flow properties to speed cold starts
• High film strength stands up to high temperature high load conditions
Meets API CK-4, SN, SM, CJ-4, CI-4, CH-4, CK4, CJ4
For Model Years: 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022,18, 19, 20, 21, 22